Fire Insurance

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Fire Insurance

Fire is an unexpected event and can cause enormous destruction, monetary and things one has to deal with its aftermath. Whether it’s a building or an office, everyone is prone to it and must secure their property against unexpected events.
SG Insurance offers fire insurance to protect your building, both residential and commercial, from any things that follow the expected event. We offer:
  • Comprehensive protection against the damages caused due to fire explosion of movable and immovable property.
  • It encompasses damages to the properties damage caused to everything, including buildings, stock, machinery, furnishings etc.
  • Apart from fire-related perils, the insurance covers damages resulting from natural calamity, explosion or bursting of the water tank, etc.
Exclusion –
  • Damages resulted from nuclear perils, nuclear waste or radioactivity.
  • Damages due to any electrical machines, short circuits, leakage of electricity or apparatus etc.
  • Damages are dues to theft or expense incurred directly or indirectly due to any kind of terrorist activity.
  • Damages resulted from changes in temperature, directly or indirectly related to natural disasters like volcanoes, and earthquakes.
  • Damages resulted due to the loss of market loss, loss of earning or consequential loss.
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